Kingston Community Radio

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Kingston Community Radio

Listen Daily on WGHQ 920 AM 7am to 9am - Listener Sponsored Radio

Welcome to Kingston Community Radio 920AM!

The 4th Annual KCR/Saugerties Breakfast is set for June 25th 2025 Cost is $15  Lox of Bagels of Barcley Heights will provide the catering. Greg, Fred & Bill Murphy will be LIVE that morning broadcasting from the stable club located at 10 pavillion drive in Saugerties. Come Join US For All The FUN !!!



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One of the ways Kingston Community Radio seeks support for its daily operations is from underwriting support. We ask community businesses, organizations and individuals to help KCR offset its costs by supporting the broadcast operations with a cash contribution. In exchange for a contribution KCR would identify a half hour program segment as being underwritten by the contributor with two 20-30 second announcements, one at the beginning and the other at the end of the half hour.